FAQs & Customer
Bail Bonding Information
in West Virginia
Knowledgeable Answers to Questions You May Have about Bail Bonding
Bail bonding services in West Virginia cover a number of criminal offenses that residents may not be as familiar with because they do not always make the news. Many people have a fair idea of many drug-related crimes, but when it comes to crimes or even domestic assault, the severity of bail or penalties can be surprising. Trust the bail bonding experts at Atkinson Bonding for honest answers to your questions, quick service, fast turnaround, and know where you stand on securing your freedom when law enforcement apprehends you.
What is Bail?
Bail is the security for the appearance of a defendant to answer a specific criminal charge or charges before any court or magistrate. See: §62-1C-2. Bail defined.
Where Does Atkinson Bonding Offer Bail Bonding Services?
Atkinson Bonding offers bail bonding services primarily in the local region surrounding Parkersburg, including:
Calhoun County, WV – Grantsville Doddridge County, WV – West Union Jackson County, WV – Ripley, Ravenswood, Fairplain Mason County, WV – Point Pleasant Pleasants County, WV – St. Marys, Belmont Ritchie County, WV – Pennsboro, Harrisville, Cairo Roane County, WV- Spencer Wirt County, WV – Elizabeth Wood County, WV – Parkersburg, Vienna, Williamstown
See our service area pages for more information.
Do I have to Worry About Posting Bail for Each Charge or Offense?
The court or justice gives consideration to the seriousness of each offense when determining bail. They review previous criminal records, financial ability, and reasonable expectation of appearance. The bail amount may include multiple offenses charged against the defendant.
See: §62-1C-3. Fixing of amount; bail may cover two or more charges.
Do I Have to Keep on Posting Bail?
The bail as initially given may continue in effect pending indictment, arraignment, continuance, trial and appeal after conviction, as the court may direct.
See: §62-1C-6. Continuing bail.
What Happens if I Skip or Forfeit Bail?
Section 62 of the West Virginia Code defines what to expect if a person forfeits bail:
(1) Whenever a person under bail serves as his or her own surety and he or she willfully and without just cause fails to appear as and when required or violates any other term or condition of bail, the circuit court or magistrate shall declare the bail forfeited.
(2) Whenever a person or entity other than the person under bail serves as surety, forfeiture of bail shall be declared only when the person under bail willfully and without just cause fails to appear as and when required.
Reference: §62-1C-7. Forfeiture of bail; basis therefor.
The court or justice retains the right to withhold forfeiture or enforcement, at their discretion.
What is the Penalty for Not Appearing Back at Court When I am Out on Bail?
A person released on their own recognizance who fails to appear then becomes guilty of the offense and faces punishment. If convicted of a felony, offenders face up to a $5,000 fine, up to five years in prison, or both. If a misdemeanor, the fine may be up to $1,000, county jail of up to a year, or a combination of both.
See: §62-1C-17b. Failure to appear; penalties.
Are There Restrictions About Seeing Family Members When I am out on Bail?
The court may set conditions on bail when there are offenses against a family or household member. For example, they may restrict a defendant from having any direct or indirect contact, either verbal or physical, with the victim or complainant.
They make this determination after considering whether the defendant poses a threat or danger to the victim or other family or household member. If the issuing authority makes such a determination, it requires as a condition of bail that the defendant refrain from entering the residence or household of the victim, the victim’s school, and the victim’s place of employment or otherwise contacting the victim and/or minor child or household member in any manner whatsoever and shall refrain from having any further contact with the victim. A violation of this condition may be punishable by the forfeiture of bail and the issuance of a bench warrant for the defendant’s arrest or remanding the defendant to custody or a modification of the terms of bail.
The clerk of the court issuing an order pursuant to this section shall issue certified copies of the conditions of bail to the victim upon request without cost.
If a law-enforcement officer observes any violation of bail condition, including the presence of the defendant or at the home of the victim, the officer shall immediately arrest the defendant, and detain the defendant pending a hearing for revocation of bail.
See: §62-1C-17c. Bail in cases of crimes between family or household members.
Atkinson Bonding - Bail Bonding Service Area Statewide
24/7 Bail Bonding Services in West Virginia
Atkinson Bonding offers bail bonding services all across West Virginia, especially in our local service area that includes the counties of:
Ritchie County, WV
Pleasants County, WV
St. Marys
Doddridge County, WV
West Union
Wood County, WV
Wirt County, WV
Jackson County, WV
Mason County, WV
Point Pleasant
Calhoun County, WV
Roane County, WV
Open 24/7!